| If you're looking for fanfiction - mostly of the Due South and Harry Potter variety - you've come to the right place. There's also a variety of fanfiction from other fandoms, if that's your pleasure - PLUS a huge multi-fandom recs page. It's been some time since I've been able to update this site. For the most current Fic and Recs, please visit my Dreamwidth fic and recs journal
Recs Recs Recs: a work-in-progress. A recs page for fiction in 100 separate fandoms and counting (here)
Disclaimer: the characters in these stories do not (repeat: do
not) belong to me. They belong to various corporate
entities and individuals, foremost amongst which are Alliance, Paul
Haggis, Paul Gross, J.K. Rowling. Perhaps they wouldn't be entirely thrilled with the way
I'm using their characters, but you know, sometimes the
needs and desires of the characters override the needs and
desires of their creators. Page design by | |